End of April update on my virtual walk from Lands End to John o’Groats. I am 37% done in 33% of the time. 637 km down, 1,107.2 km to go. I am a two day walk away (at my current pace) from Stratford Upon Avon. I am slightly ahead of pace. The red marker is my pace marker.
Back Yard Visitors
Behind our house is virtual flyway for all kinds of birds. Most are fairly shy and hard to capture. Bluejays especially are hard to entice to stick around.. but I have and idea for them. Here are a few of the visitors in the past couple of days.
Covid Macro Photography
Not being able to get out and about, or at least not very far has lead to some creative indoor photography. I took my extension tubes out to do some macro photography. I grabbed some liquid hand soap, some hand sanitizer and some old telephone wire that my kids used to make bracelets out of. The following are the results.
Urban Sunrise
Photographer of the Month
Earlier this year I was asked if I would be interested in being the featured photographer in an upcoming issue of the Orkney.com newsletter.
Today, a nice surprise came out. I am very honoured that Orkney.com chose a Canadian amateur photographer to highlight a very special part of Scotland.
Check about half way down this months newsletter under the Focus on Photography heading.
Stay safe and healthy everyone, so we can go back again soon.
Virtual Challenge Update
End of March update on my virtual challenge Lands End to John o’Groats (LEJoG) walk.
As of March 31st, I am currently just down the road from Stone Henge just north of Salisbury in Wiltshire England.
285 miles/459 kms completed – 799 miles/1,286 kms to go. (26% completed in 25% of the time)
Moody March
Sure Signs of Spring
When the City of Ottawa starts blasting the ice above the Rideau Falls to prevent ice jams on the falls (This prevents flooding in this part of the city) you know Spring is on the way. We went down to the falls to do some Long Exposure photography to hopefully give a sense of movement of the water and ice. Most of the shots were between 1-5 seconds in length and 100 ISO, F29.
So I learned something with this set of photos. Always check your settings. The last photo I took with my camera before I took these was the night shot of Orion. I set the camera to Manual Focus and set the focus to infinity. I forgot to set it back to AutoFocus. These photos all came out as good as they did because of a couple of things. My F-stop was very high, allowing for everything to be in focus both near and far and the exposure was long, so that made the image a bit softer.
Winter Macro and 50mm Prime Lens shots
It has been a long winter and I really haven’t gotten out with my camera as much as I would have liked. This past weekend I grabbed my camera and just headed out into our backyard. I pulled out my 50mm prime lens and my macro tubes. Winter is much more fun up close.
A new Challenge or What am I Thinking
So as if learning photography wasn’t enough of a challenge, and I am not sure what I was thinking, but I have challenge my self to virtually walk the length of Great Britain this year on the “Lands End to John o’Groats” (LEJoG) route. I am doing this though a great I great website with an app that has various walks around the world. Check it out https://www.theconqueror.events/
Its pretty cool, as they also send you virtual postcards to share on your social media accounts of the starting point, various interesting sites along the way, and of your final destination. You also can get a t-shirt with your challenges logo on it and when you finish the challenge, they send you an actual medal.
I have been walking since January 1st and as of the end of February, I had walked about 16% of the route. Below is a google maps image of what I have walked.
Of course with it being winter here, I have been walking in a local mall to get some of my kilometers in. I have had lots of time to study the architecture of the mall and there has been one photo I have been waiting to take once the lighting was just right. I call this one, “Sometimes you just have to look up”