Petrie Island River Walk

It was quite the day weather wise. We woke to 4cm of snow and then it warmed up to +4c and it all started to melt. We decided to take a walk to clear some of the Christmas dinner cobwebs and Petrie Island is a favourite.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Landsdowne Park Christmas Lights

We headed down to Landsdowne Park to see the Christmas lights as it was a fairly mild evening. There will still quite a few people around despite Covid restrictions, but thankfully everyone was respecting their distance and taking turns with the displays.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Family Photo Shoot

Well here it is, Christmas Eve. For the first time in 6 years we have both my daughters home for Christmas. Covid-19 precautions have prevented us from doing our normal family traditions with the rest of the family. So I took the opportunity to do a set of Christmas themed Family photos.

Christmas Stars and Moon

It has been too cold for me to drag the telescope out, but I used my telephoto lens and captured what I think is a nice shot of Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon. Unfortunately the weather is going to be cloudy right up to Christmas so I will miss the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. ISO 400, F8, 6 Secs

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Ring of Kerry Virtual Challenge completed!

I complete virtually walking the Ring of Kerry in Ireland. This was my 6th Challenge this year and I really enjoy this one as well. We went to Ireland in the Spring of 2019 with some friends and spent a wonderful week staying just outside Killarney in the Gap of Dunloe. Killarney was the start and end point for this journey. With our friends, we drove the North half the Ring, which is known as the Wild Atlantic Way. I did this challenge with my daughter who is currently visiting with us from Scotland for 3 months. We are both going to walk the Cabot Trail next. These virtual Challenges are addictive!

Downtown Ottawa Christmas Lights

My daughter and I went downtown and met up with the Ottawa Shutterbugs photography group to take night photos of the Christmas lights. It was a bit chilly, but we got a good walk in and it was really nice to spend time with my daughter who is a phenomenal photographer usually based in Scotland.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!