Ski Trails and shots of the City

We took an 8km hike along the Ottawa River Ski Trails and captured a few random shots of the city. The ski trails are so busy with people fed up being locked down with Covid. The City opened up last Tuesday to level Orange, so I think people were excited to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Barred Owl

While we were out on a walk earlier in the week, we came across a Barred Owl up in a tree. It was very tolerant of us and never moved while we spent about 10 minutes checking it out. I had the wrong lens with me, so we decided we would try to go back another day with the telephoto lens. As luck would have it, it snowed almost 20cm the next day, so we went back out Wednesday evening and walked back out to the same spot. It took about 15 minutes to spot it and again it was was very tolerant as we took a million photos of it. I have been wanting to capture a photo of an owl all winter. Really quite happy with these.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Walk along Petrie Island Trails

The day turned nice after a couple of weeks of polar vortex -20c weather. We put on our walking boots and winter gear and headed out into the “balmy” -8c sunny late afternoon. We took a tour of some of the trails and fishing huts in and around Petrie Island. We caught an amazing Golden Hour Sunset at the end of the walk.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!


We had 5cm of fresh fluffy snow overnight. After we cleaned up the cars and driveway I noticed that the windshields were covered in little snowflakes. So I grabbed the macro extension tubes and mounted my kit lens. I keep forgetting how short the focal length is when using the tubes.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!