3rd Virtual Challenge Completed

Is this a photography site or a fitness site? I haven’t been able to get out to take many photos over the last couple of weeks due to work commitments, but I have been out doing my walks around the neighbourhood for my Virtual Challenges. So this week I completed my 3rd Virtual Challenge – The Inca Trail. This was a 42.16 km/26.2 mile Challenge and I did it over 6 days.

So now I am onto my 4th virtual Challenge – Hadrian’s Wall, a 145 km / 90 mile walk. Hadrian’s wall was built about 122 AD to keep the Picts out of the civilized Roman Britannia.

Autumn Seeds

We took a little walk along the Ottawa River Pathway System in Orleans this afternoon. These Milkweed Pods were bursting with seeds. I couldn’t help take a few photos of them. I used my 10-20mm Wide Angle Lens. Settings: 100 ISO F22 1/800sec.

Second Virtual Challenge Done

All my previous walking on the virtual Land’s End to John o’Groats walk the length of Britain Challenge has paid off. I was able to complete the virtual crossing of the English Channel in just 4 days. After a quick sip of some very nice (virtual) french wine on the France side of the Channel, I am virtually off to Peru to walk the Inca Trail (26.2 miles/42.16kms) right through Machu Picchu.

Virtual Challenge Complete!

I finished my Virtual Lands End to John o’Groats Walk the length of Britain Challenge this weekend. 1744.2 kms walked since January 1st. I hope you enjoyed the post cards and maps that I posted along the way. I am starting a much shorter challenge tomorrow. Crossing the English Channel. I am hoping that it will only take me a week to walk the 32 kilometers from Dover to France.

Canadian Thanksgiving

We had a very quiet Thanksgiving thanks to Covid restrictions here in Ottawa. For the first time ever it was just 3 of us for Thanksgiving. Being told not to mix households and with my daughter teaching high-school we just couldn’t risk having my Mom and Sister over. So we took a walk along the Ottawa River Pathway System here in Orleans. The colours were amazing once more. For this shoot, I used my 10-20mm wide angle lens.

Virtual Challenge – End of September Update

End of September update on my Virtual Challenge Lands End to John o’Groats walk. I am 96% done. This month finds me just north of Berrydale. Berrydale has the scariest hairpin turn onto a bridge. We have done it several times IRL on the way down to Inverness from Orkney. I have walked 1668.1 kms / 1036.5 miles and I have 76.1 kms / 47.3 miles to go. I am 360 kms / 223.7 miles ahead of my pace marker. This month I walked a total of 202 kms / 125.5 miles. I should finish in a couple of weeks at my current pace. I have signed up already for another challenge. The Ring of Kerry Virtual walk – 200 kms / 124 miles in length. My daughter and I are going to try and walk it together. Her in Orkney and I in Canada.

Downtown Night Photography

A local photography group called the Ottawa Shutterbugs were doing a downtown night photography session (with social distancing). My daughter and I met up with the group at the Supreme Court House on Wellington street and we then proceed to walk over to the Museum of Canadian History. At the end of the evening we walked back to the Court House via the Alexandria Bridge. It was a fun night out with some very talented people.

Mer Bleu Bog

We took a quick trip out to the Mer Bleu Bog Boardwalk. We love this short 1km walk as every time we go there is something interesting to take photos of. I used my 50mm Lens for all these photos.

Covid Staycation – London

We were supposed to travel to Scotland this week to see our daughter and family in Orkney, Scotland. Covid travel restrictions prevented us from going, so instead we drove down to London, Ontario to visit a family friend and ex neighbour who recently moved there. It was a 500+ kilometer drive down on Saturday morning. We visited the Pond Mills Conservation Area that is right next to her new house. On Sunday we drove down to Port Stanley Beach on Lake Erie and then had a short stop in St. Thomas. On Monday we drove from London to Kirkwall (something I would like to do in the UK some time) Kirkwall is the airport in Orkney that we should have flown into. Kirkwall Ontario is not a very big place but it was a cool surprise for my wife. We continued on to Newmarket where we had a quick visit with my Aunt that lives there and then we headed back to Ottawa. 800+kms to drive home.