Barred Owl

While we were out on a walk earlier in the week, we came across a Barred Owl up in a tree. It was very tolerant of us and never moved while we spent about 10 minutes checking it out. I had the wrong lens with me, so we decided we would try to go back another day with the telephoto lens. As luck would have it, it snowed almost 20cm the next day, so we went back out Wednesday evening and walked back out to the same spot. It took about 15 minutes to spot it and again it was was very tolerant as we took a million photos of it. I have been wanting to capture a photo of an owl all winter. Really quite happy with these.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Walk along Petrie Island Trails

The day turned nice after a couple of weeks of polar vortex -20c weather. We put on our walking boots and winter gear and headed out into the “balmy” -8c sunny late afternoon. We took a tour of some of the trails and fishing huts in and around Petrie Island. We caught an amazing Golden Hour Sunset at the end of the walk.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!


We had 5cm of fresh fluffy snow overnight. After we cleaned up the cars and driveway I noticed that the windshields were covered in little snowflakes. So I grabbed the macro extension tubes and mounted my kit lens. I keep forgetting how short the focal length is when using the tubes.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Snow Shoe – 1st try

So to try and keep my winter walking up, my daughters bought me snow shoes for Christmas. Hard to believe but today was the first time we had a chance to try them out. Heather and I did a “quick” 2km walk as a break for her this afternoon. Unfortunately, just as we got back to the car, one of my straps broke in two. Not sure I can repair the strap, so I may have to McGyver it for next time.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Cold Winter Photography

The temperature got down to -21c with windchill’s of -28c. A perfect opportunity to go outside and do some outdoor photos with water and bubbles. Kendra and I had a lot of fun doing these shots

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Flying Kids

I was out doing some random shots around the neighborhood and came across this group of kids who had made a jump for their toboggans. The sounds of their laughter and excitement filled the street and I found it too hard to resist to not take photos of them. I printed these photos and gave them to their parents and ask for permission to be able to post these photos.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Almonte Falls

We took a 300 km – 5 hour drive to nowhere as we were going stir crazy in the house due to Covid lock-down rules. Basically just a big loop drive with just one stop to stretch our legs. We are under a stay home order and we are only supposed to go out for essential trips. We were all housebound, so this was an essential trip. We drove up to Calabogie and saw the head of the Eagles Nest Trail. We will be walking this one later in the year when things open up a bit. We came back through Almonte, Ontario “The Friendly Town” and stopped to take photos of the water falls there. The river was really flowing, the most water I had ever seen there.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

A night visit to the Aviation and Space Museum

It was kinda quiet at the Air and Space museum here in Ottawa, everything is closed due Covid-19 restrictions. The buildings themselves are beautiful examples of architecture and I have always wanted to photograph them. The contents of the museum is even more interesting and we are very lucky to have it located here.

Interestingly, when I exited the car, a Coyote came padding down the main entrance road and ran right past me. I didn’t have time to grab a photo of it, but it made the most interesting “chipping” noise as it ran past. I saw it or it’s mate a few minutes later but again it was too far away and too dark to try and snag a picture.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Winter Walk

We got 15cm of snow last night. We took a short 5km walk along the Ottawa River Pathway to enjoy the snow. (along with many x-country skiers and 1 very cranky fat tire biker.)

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!

Petrie Island River Walk

It was quite the day weather wise. We woke to 4cm of snow and then it warmed up to +4c and it all started to melt. We decided to take a walk to clear some of the Christmas dinner cobwebs and Petrie Island is a favourite.

Please visit my online store – IMALAIRD PHOTOS. Please let me know if you like to see any of these photos in the store for purchase. Thank you!