Alight the Night

We took a drive an hour south of Ottawa to Upper Canada Village (UCV) near Morrisburg, Ontario. UCV if you have never been is a really well done tourist attraction that depicts the life of Canada in the 1800’s. Many buildings have been restored and brought to life with period actors recreating life from that period. Interesting fact: My mother actually attended the 1 room School House as a child. The building was brought in from its former location near her hometown and restored at UCV. A couple of times of year, they decorate the entire village. In October they run a display called Pumpkin Inferno which we went to last year and was just amazing. In November, December and January they run Alight the Night and they decorate the village in over a million Christmas lights. It really is something to see. For most of these shots I used my 10-20 mm Wide Angle lens. ISO 100, F13, and various shutter speeds depending on the light.

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